Happily, technology has given us wonderful new ways of sharing knowledge. Rather than sending scholars over thousands of miles and scores of years, from library to library and academy to academy, today we can simply click in a matter of seconds onto a wide variety of appropriate websites. But, first, we must acknowledge what it is that we do not yet know—committing ourselves to continued learning and accepting the fact that useful knowledge will often be found by reaching beyond the traditional barriers of both geography and culture.

—Address by His Highness the Aga Khan at the Commencement Ceremony of the American University of Cairo June 15, 2006

Coming soon:

Cover of Saira's book, Detained in Dar

"But that would be from the lens of hindsight. It is from this end that we can look back and say wow, we've been here without work for three months. Where did the time go, etc. From the day to day existence, however, the picture is very different. Each day, a day of anxiety and uncertainty, a day of silence or possibility. Maybe tomorrow there will be a decision. Maybe next week, we'll be in Nairobi. We had stopped buying groceries because we felt there was no point since our time here was done. Yesterday, we saw a street-seller with bathmats. Still didn't buy one - still believing that this situation must end soon. It can't continue forever."

We won...

...for now.


This website aims to set out the facts relating to the story of two Canadians who accepted jobs in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania with Aga Khan Education Services, Tanzania (AKES,T) to teach at Aga Khan Mzimima Secondary School (AKMSS), and what happened to them there as a result of the behaviour of the administrators at the school and the executive and directors of AKES,T. It is laid out in chronological form, starting with how we were recruited (Preflight), what we found when we were there (In Situ), and what happened to us subsequently (Aftermath).

We believe it is important to make this information publicly available, so that no-one can claim ignorance of the events that took place.

What's New

Here's what we have recently added to the site.


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