Happily, technology has given us wonderful new ways of sharing knowledge. Rather than sending scholars over thousands of miles and scores of years, from library to library and academy to academy, today we can simply click in a matter of seconds onto a wide variety of appropriate websites. But, first, we must acknowledge what it is that we do not yet know—committing ourselves to continued learning and accepting the fact that useful knowledge will often be found by reaching beyond the traditional barriers of both geography and culture.

—Address by His Highness the Aga Khan at the Commencement Ceremony of the American University of Cairo June 15, 2006

About Us

This page provides a little bit of information about us, for those who are curious about our credentials.

S Fitzgerald holds an M.A. in Applied Language Studies. She has taught in Canada, Kenya, Indonesia, Vietnam, the United Arab Emirates, Singapore and India.

M Fitzgerald holds a Ph.D. in the philosophy of international development. He has taught in Canada, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Singapore.

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